Calla Lilies
Lego Sunflowers
Lego Rose
Snow Day
The Butternut Casa
June Glow
Ghost Leaves 3
Ghost Leaves 5
Ghost Leaves 6
Wall I
Wall II
Like (ASL sign)
Art (ASL sign)
Fake Witch Hunt
Tiny Taco Tour
Calla Lilies
Calla Lilies

Oil, acrylic and graphite on canvas


20” x 16”

Image description: Still life painting of a translucent green vase holding two calla lilies, in front of the brass beam of a shelf and a white wall. The wall and shadows have soft, varying hues of light.

Lego Sunflowers
Lego Sunflowers

Oil, acrylic and graphite on wood panel


6.75” x 4.75”

Image description: Painting of two sunflowers made from Lego in close-up, in a textured teal glass bottle, against a muted purple-blue background. The petals are bright yellow and orange, and the center of the foreground sunflower is a round, brown disc with Lego studs on its surface. The leaves and stems are green and have sharp geometric forms.

Lego Rose
Lego Rose

Oil and acrylic on canvas


5” x 4”

Image description: Painting of a rose made from Lego, in close-up against a muted purple-blue background. The bright red petals and green stem and leaves are composed of sharp geometric shapes.

Snow Day
Snow Day

Oil on canvas


8” x 10”

Image description: Painting of an orange cat, seen from behind, looking out a pair of glass doors at a dimly lit, snow-covered backyard, with a fence and rooftops in the background. The early-morning light outside is blue, in contrast to the warm, orange light inside the house.

The Butternut Casa
The Butternut Casa

Oil and acrylic on canvas


11” x 14”

Image description: Painting of houses in a residential neighborhood. A two-story dark blue house is seen at center, with a pale orange house and garage visible in the right and left foreground. A string of lights connects the house and garage. The late afternoon sky is a gradient of light blue at bottom to darker blue at top.

June Glow
June Glow

Oil and acrylic on canvas panel


9” x 12”

Image description: Painting of a house and fenced garden in dim evening light. There is a large tree behind the house, in dark silhouette. The house is lit by a string of bulbs, which shine through a multicolored Pride flag attached to the corner of the house.


Oil and acrylic on canvas


12" x 12"

Image description: Painting that interpolates the album cover of Wilco's Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. In monochromatic tan and greys, the skyscraper in Portland known as Big Pink and a lamppost are seen looming from below.

Ghost Leaves 3
Ghost Leaves 3

Oil and acrylic on canvas


12” x 9”

Image description: Painting of a city sidewalk in close-up. Two dark lines representing seams between sections of pavement intersect the composition, vertically at right and horizontally at top. The faded brown imprint of a leaf straddles the vertical line. Another, smaller imprint can be seen at top.

Ghost Leaves 5
Ghost Leaves 5

Oil, acrylic and graphite on canvas


12” x 9”

Image description: Painting of a city sidewalk in close-up. A dark line bisects the painting, representing the seam between sections of pavement. The entire composition is scattered with overlapping, faded imprints of leaves in shades of brown and grey. Near the top, three actual leaves can be seen.

Ghost Leaves 6
Ghost Leaves 6

Oil, acrylic and graphite on canvas


14” x 11”

Image description: Painting of a city sidewalk in close-up. Toward the left, a crack between sections of pavement bisects the composition vertically. At top, the edge of a grassy area is seen. Scattered throughout are fall leaves, and the smeared rusty-brown imprints of leaves.

Wall I
Wall I

Oil on canvas with graphite and pastel


36" x 48"

Created in 2017, this dyptich serves as a portal by which to look back on Trump's America from an indeterminate future in which "the wall" was built and eventually decommissioned, with pieces left standing as remembrance of an oppressive regime and a monument to equality and acceptance. Includes imagery appropriated from the Berlin Wall, American street art and pop culture, as well as from fellow vegan artist and activist Karen Fiorito.

Image description: Painting of a tall concrete wall in disrepair, covered in various graffiti which includes an image of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump kissing, and the words “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,” with “GREAT” covered by a spray-painted “LOVE.” There is a hole in the wall through which a hilly horizon can be seen; ivy grows through the hole and over the top. A bird is perched on top under a blue sky, and a young Latina girl stands looking at the graffiti.

Wall II
Wall II

Oil on canvas with graphite and pastel


36" x 48"

Image description: Painting of another section of tall concrete wall in the same style. Graffiti includes a rainbow flag, two doves, and hands of varying skin tones fingerspelling “UNITY.” A middle-aged Black woman and white man stand looking at the graffiti.


Micron pen


5” x 11”

Image description: Ink drawing of six hands arranged in horizontal row, in black on beige, spelling out the word “resist” in ASL fingerspelling. The first “s” is in the form of the fist logo most commonly known as the Black Power fist.

Like (ASL sign)
Like (ASL sign)

Charcoal and pastel on bristol


24” x 19”

Image description: Charcoal drawing of a hand forming the ASL sign for “like,” with the thumb and middle finger touching and the other fingers outstretched. Because this is a moving sign, there is a subtle smear emanating from the thumb tip, suggesting a motion blur.

Art (ASL sign)
Art (ASL sign)

Charcoal and pastel on bristol


19” x 24”

Image description: Charcoal drawing of two hands forming the ASL sign for “art,” one hand with its pinky up in a “drawing” motion against the other palm. Because this is a moving sign, there are motion lines next the the “drawing” hand.


A commission depicting the patron’s son’s name fingerspelled in ASL.

Watercolor and gouache on bristol


12” x 24”

Image description: Painting of seven hands arranged in a horizontal row, rendered in blue and orange in a loose painterly style on a white background, fingerspelling the name “Lachlan” in ASL.


Watercolor, ink and graphite on bristol


12” x 9”

Image description: Painting of a hand holding a gold pocket watch, rendered in a loose, abstract style on a white background. The shape of a dark sleeve and teal cuff trail off to the left of the hand, and a chain arcs up to the right from the watch. Emanating vertically from the surface of the watch is a cloud of short teal lines.


A t-shirt design for my hometown’s best coffee shop, in Corvallis, OR.

Ink and digital


6" x 6"

Image description: Ink drawing in black on white, of a cartoonishly grotesque male figure wrapping one hand around the back of his head to pull his lower eyelid to the side while the other hand pours coffee from a cup into the eyelid. His eyes are bloodshot red, the only color in the image, and he wears a t-shirt reading “Interzone” in uneven typewriter-style lettering.


Micron pen with digitally added color


8” x 10”

Published in Pacific Sentinel magazine, February 2019

Image description: Ink caricature in black, white and grey, of Donald Trump standing behind a table covered in wrapped burgers and fries on fancy trays, and an ornate candelabra. His face is contorted in childlike fury and spit is flying from his mouth. Large uneven bubble lettering to his right indicates that he’s yelling “HAMBERDERS!”

Fake Witch Hunt
Fake Witch Hunt



Image description: Digitally drawn caricature of Donald Trump, in full color, bellowing in a delirious rage, with red bubble letters reading “FAKE WITCH HUNT!” spewing from his open mouth. His face is ringed with pale skin tone where his fake tan makeup fails to meet his hairline.

Tiny Taco Tour
Tiny Taco Tour

Ink and watercolor pencil


8" x 10"

For my wife's birthday taco crawl. Shirts were made.

Image description: Drawing of two anthropomorphic tacos riding an orange cat, in ink and watercolor pencil. The tacos are wearing birthday hats; one holds a margarita, and the other holds an ice cream cone. Cilantro is raining down on the scene like confetti. Below the cat, grey bubble letters read “TINY TACO TOUR 2015.”


Watercolor and graphite


10” x 8”

Image description: Watercolor painting of a city street in Ubud, Bali. A multistory building with scalloped rooftops sits on a sloping street, with a curving tree in front of it. The curb has a black and white checkered pattern. A person is heading downhill, to the right, on a motor scooter.